Kirk’s 21 Days of Prayer

Kirk’s 21 Days of Prayer

Can I be honest with you all? While I greatly enjoyed and appreciated our 21 days of prayer as a church, I have to tell you, I missed a day. At first, I was embarrassed – what if someone finds out? Now, how anyone would find out short of me telling them, I don’t know. But I am supposed to be the pastor and leader, I don’t get to forget… I am supposed to set the example! Those were my thoughts.

Eventually though, I got to the place where I reminded myself of what the purpose of the 21 days was. It was to help me begin more of my days with an orientation towards, “God, what do you have for me today? What is the more I should be looking for?” It wasn’t meant to be some legalistic obligation and chore and that I once again had to be perfect at. Nah. I’ve had enough of those in my childhood in church. This was about beginning my day, asking God to show me the more he had for me.

And here’s the thing, it was really fun to look for the more. One day it was a conversation I got to have with one of my children. One day, it was time spent with my “One”. Another day, it was a short nap that I took while praying (oops, but afterwards it seemed like that was exactly what I needed from God that day – space in my day for a short nap). Other days it was the nudges to pray for certain people at certain times and then letting them know they were being prayed for. And all of it was beautiful. It was beautiful to spend so many days getting to see God’s hand actively at work in my life. It always is, but when we aren’t looking for it, we often miss it. This is why I am going to continue to pray and look for the more God has for me each day. And if I miss day, or take a nap, that’s ok – that might have been God’s will for me that day.

Kirk Proctor

Senior Pastor


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