Never The Same Camp Recap

This year was such a challenging yet rewarding year of camp. It was a lot of fun with very full schedules. As we went throughout the week, the theme for the camp was “ Discover.” It is one of my favorite words to use in regard to faith  because there is a lot of work that only you can put in. It is super important for students to see that and learn how to. Outside of their faith, I watched them all kind of discover who they are. In their likes and interests, they got to see who God created them to be. We had one student commit their life to Christ for the first time, and 4 students recommit. It was so beautiful to watch them really take in the word “discover.” I truly cannot think of a better theme for students right now. 

We did so many fun things! We came in second this year for team comps. The Yellow team won… again. I had some very unhappy kiddos. But within the team competitions, our students did a lot to put our team in second. Every year we enter the soccer tournament, and this is the third year that we have won it! I loved watching them be so helpful to one another and get to celebrate together. If our kiddos were not playing in it, they were surely cheering on the sidelines. Ooooorrrr, taking naps! Our youth group spent a lot of time playing 9 square and Gaga ball. Two of their favorite games in the world! 

Overall, our students had an amazing and impactful time during this time. We thank you all so much for supporting these students in any way! I also thank our amazing leaders who came and helped take care of our 24 students. I could not have done it without them. 

We look forward to starting a new camp chapter next year and branching out and discovering even more of who we are! Please continue to rally around our teens and pray for their hearts and minds throughout the next year. Thank you for living to give.

Morgan Cochrane

Youth Coordinator


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