A Love Story

A Love Story

“Be careful what you wish for.” There can be serious collaterals with wishes coming true. I’m going to attempt to help you see what I saw and feel what I felt in this amazing come true moment, so open your mind and heart for a couple minutes and see something of God’s deep love for you!

I got Nancy playing an “I Love You Marathon” game a while back. It works like this: while driving, sunset sitting, or just living, some numerically large awesome thing comes into view, and you win if you see it first, like “I love you more than all those sunflowers!” She didn’t quite grasp the concept when we first started, and her first retort was, “I love you more than everything in the universe!” Well, that meant game over. I wanted her to be absolutely sure to feel how much my love was and keep playing, so I did some coaching. The boundaries were: It had to be a lot, not infinite and it had to be viewable. If you’re going to try to do this, I noticed that sometimes a bit of humor is needed to keep up the interest, like “I love you more than all the cow patties in that field.” Doesn’t have quite the same ring as those sunflowers, but laughter and fun seem to make up the difference.

I’m certain you are at the “so what” moment in this story. Well, tune in carefully – here goes! We had been playing for a couple of years, and it was December, a Sunday morning on our way to church through 6 inches of freshly fallen snow, and we were making our first drive down our road. The sun was rising to a clear blue morning sky when we reached the south end of our road. We turned, and several hundred acres of farm field without obstruction greeted our view. The sun was at the exact angle so that the whole hundreds of acres was sparkling with gillions of snow diamonds. I immediately said “Nancy, I love you more than all of those diamonds.” Surely, it was a win for me that day.

I started to think after that I needed to tell Jesus how much I love Him. He removed cancer, zapped alcoholism, smacked demons, put me in a career and kept me in it, and saved our marriage and my life many times. Yeah, I need to tell Him. So I began looking for something that could possibly measure up and got nothing. After 2 weeks of trying, I finally gave up and said, “I’m just going to say it, and something great will come out.” A bit later, scared of how this would go, I started to say, “Jesus, I love…” And I became like I was paralyzed, mouth open, nothing would come out. Jesus appeared right in front of me with arms out, scars showing, and said, “I love you more!” then disappeared. The gap between the amount of my love and His became abundantly clear, and it was game over!

This is the amazing love of Jesus, who left heaven to be human, lived a sinless life, suffered in our place, was nailed, died, and raised from death to make it possible for any person to live forever in heaven.

Love! So Trust Jesus, dump sin. Follow Him. Heaven is yours!

I had been wishing for another meet-up with God as it had been some time; you would be too. Check John 14:21,23

God wants to meet up with you. Be careful what you wish for: your life view after the meet-up with God will be much changed but for the better.

~Denny Niles

Kirk Proctor

Senior Pastor


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