Easter Sneak Peek

Easter Sneak Peek

It's Holy Week! There's Palm Sunday, and Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, and it is the largest Christian holiday. And the temptation sometimes, coming into this week, is to be so familiar with it (I've done this before. I grew up going to Easter Sunday, and it's the same every year...) that we almost forget what this is really about. And we just go through the motions. But what if this year could be different? What if I told you it's going to be different? 

For one, we are working through the book of Acts. And we are going to continue that this week. So, it's not your "same Easter message again." Instead, we will preach from where we landed in the scripture for this week! On top of that, this message, well, for one, you won't want to miss the first paragraph! "But every preacher says that!" I know, I know, and I don't know how to convince you that this isn't just something we all say... But let me tease you with this, were any of you here on the Sunday I did a rap? That's all I am going to give you...  

Well, not quite all; I will give you a little more. This Sunday, we will be doing one of my favorite things - baptisms! We are going to celebrate some people who are publicly declaring their faith in Jesus through baptism. Why do we do baptisms? Well, for one, because Jesus commands us to. Two, we do it because Jesus modeled it. And three, we do to be identified with Jesus. Going down into the water represents Jesus' death on the cross, and coming up out of the water represents his resurrection. The water washes away our sin (it's a metaphor, so not literally, but symbolically. It's actually Jesus who washes away our sin). And then, as we come out of the water, we have new life in Christ - BECAUSE he gave us his right standing before God. This is what allows us to live the life God has always intended for us, and it is what allows us to spend eternity with Him!

It is going to be a great Sunday. And it's also a great Sunday to think about inviting your one. Go ahead, give it a shot, and see what happens! I will be praying for you and for our services. See you Sunday morning!

Kirk Proctor

Senior Pastor


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