Missional Communities

Years ago, Faith Church had a ministry called Missional Communities. MCs were large groups of people that were geographically based. We had seven MCs across the greater Lansing area, each ranging from 20-100+ people. These groups would gather four times each month – once for a meal, once for a service project, and twice at a Life Group that was formed within your MC. While our MCs had an amazing impact, it also cost our volunteers a lot of time and energy. To be frank, MCs burnt a lot of people out. So, after a few years of having this ministry, we made the decision to end it.

We still kept doing Life Groups and serving in the community, but since then, and especially since COVID, the church has felt a disconnection in community-building. So recently, the staff went to the drawing board, coming up with ideas on how we can strengthen the bond within the church. We reminisced about the impact MCs had within our church but cringed at what MCs cost us time/energy-wise. After much thought and prayer, we decided to revamp what MCs could look like and began strategically planning around relaunching MCs in a new, less-stressful format.

With that, we’re excited to announce a new (old) opportunity for our church to connect with each other and make a greater impact in our community!

Instead of seven MCs, we are going to have three geographically based groups. We will have a North MC, an East MC (including southeast), and a West MC (including southwest). And instead of meeting four times each month, we’ll be gathering twice at most. Here’s how it will work:

  • Each MC will meet on a Sunday right after the 11am service in the Connection Center at the church, potluck style.

    • The North MC’s meal will take place on the first Sunday of each month.

    • The East MC’s meal will take place on the second Sunday of each month.

    • The West MC’s meal will take place on the third Sunday of each month.

  • Every MC will be serving at the same Community Partner, which is Pattengill Elementary School in Lansing (with other random opportunities that come up, like serving at Haven House in East Lansing or other service projects at the church). Examples of the service projects:

    • Pattengill hosts monthly Family Nights, where we get to help run games or serve food for students, their families, and faculty

    • Trunk-or-Treat at Pattengill on October 27th, from 6-7:30pm (Sign up here!)

    • Encouragement cards and donuts for faculty and students

    • Projects around the church, like painting or organizing

We believe MCs will be a powerful avenue for greater connection, deeper relationships, and wider love for the greater Lansing area. We hope you get signed up and gather with your MC each month! If you’re interested in checking out MCs, follow the link below! We kick off in October, with the North MC launching on October 1st, the East MC on October 8th, and the West MC on October 15th. Mark your calendar now while it’s on your mind!
Sign up here! 

Grace & Peace,

Evan Bibb

Operations Pastor


Next Steps


Vision Series